The Silver Cord

Imagine, if you will, that the entirety of your spirit is personified in a silver cord.  This cord is made of dozens of smaller silver threads that are carefully woven together and bound.  These threads may represent the different masks that you wear or the different facets of your personality.  Suspended at the end of the cord is all of the weight of negativity and ferocity.  When the silver cord is maintained, the suspended darkness sways gently from side to side and has little effect.

If one of the threads comes undone, the dark pendulum swings ever wider.  Without the strength in unity brought by all threads working in harmony, the weight of the ferocious negativity can be felt with far greater ease.  Also easier is the possibility of losing more threads.

At one time, my cord had a knot in it.  I knew of a way to fix it, though.  I learned the true name of the cord and wielded that lofty power in an attempt to repair the damage.  In the process of undoing the knot to fix the cord, one of the threads was broken.  It wasn't just unraveled; it was cut.

Once you know something's true name, it can never be forgotten.  You have the ability to do great good, but nothing can be gained without sacrificing something else.

Lately, other pendulums have been swinging around near mine.  Darkness has clashed with darkness.  Negativity has scraped against my cord.  Cords have even gotten tangled together.

As a result, my cord seems to have started unraveling.  It's... uncomfortable.

I can see three options.

  1. Use the name of power to patch the cord.  If I do this, it just covers the problems... doesn't really address them.  However, it would save a great deal of headache.
  2. Use the true name to cut the cord.  If I do this, the darkness drops down into a pool of pure water and poisons everything; however, a new cord can be created to lift the darkness out of the pool.  This would cause incredible heartache within a condensed amount of time, but would be a solution to the problems.
  3. Let nature take its course.  It's not comfortable.  It doesn't address the problems.  It's a very "whatever happens, happens" kind of philosophy.
If I believed in a higher being, this is when I would be asking for assistance.

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