My Bodyguards are Gone

I marvel at coincidence.  Had my brother and I never met, I would never have come to live in China.  Had I not gone to a non-mandatory English-language gathering in the first week of courses, I would never have met Kevin.

Kevin, for me, was the first Chinese friend I made (in China).  He was my language tutor.  He was my culture assistance guide.  He was my go-to guy.  He was my right hand man.  He was my dear friend.  And then he graduated and moved away back to his hometown.  I know, having said goodbye to my Chinese brother while in the States and goodbye to my Chinese roommate while in the States, that such a word and condition never has to be permanent (as now I'm in China).  But you get used to things being a certain way.  I was a little sad when Kevin moved away.

MS Paint FTW

Good night, sweet prince!  Even though you're neither dead, nor very far away...  I need to find a new dinner partner now.

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