
I really cannot abide people who exaggerate their own circumstances, particularly when the hyperbole paints a picture of greater success than has, in reality, truly been achieved.  Call it one of my pet peeves--my greatest pet peeve.  Perhaps the only one.  Certainly the only one worth having.

On several occasions, I have wondered what life would be like if I had my very own soundtrack.  Taking it perhaps more seriously than my peers, I've examined my original "emergence" in order to consider the perfect track for introduction.

I would like to think that, just prior to my clandestine arrival in this mortal realm, Mother Earth would have laid down a classy yet sexy, timeless ballad in celebration.  I mean, it's not every day that I crawl triumphantly through my mother's birth canal.  While recently revisiting the scenario, there was a striking absence of triumph.

"I LIIIIVE!!!!!"
"Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream.  Make him the cutest that I've ever seen.  Give him two lips like roses and clover, and tell him that his lonesome nights are over." - Les Paul
That has to be it, right?  Clearly I am the apple of this world's eye!

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